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Chad’s largest online news website suspended

Access to Chad’s largest online news platform has been suspended since Friday, an organisation for Chadian online media reported.
The group said the website for, the leading news organisation in the Sahel country, had been taken offline after it refused to comply with a request from former advisor to the Chadian president Abakar Manany.
“A few weeks ago, M. Manany demanded via his lawyers that Tchadinfos remove all articles written about him — we refused to take them down because these are factual articles,” the website’s general manager Mamadou Djimtebaye told AFP.
“He then reached out to our US-based host via his lawyers in South Africa to suspend us,” Djimtebaye added.
The Organisation for Online Media in Chad in a statement denounced “serious attacks on press freedom and the freedom to inform”, asking that an independent probe be launched into Manany and his “potential accomplices”.
Manany did not respond to AFP requests for comment.
Tchadinfos runs a website as well as a radio station and a television channel in Chad, one of the poorest nations in the world.
